Thursday, June 16, 2016

Spiders/Bugs, Planting basil!

Bugs have been a huge topic for the kids in Rose Room! The kids are on a hunt every day when we go outside to find snails and spiders! Teachers have to keep a close eye on the kiddos because they try to hold and love the snails a little too much sometimes. One of our centers was making spiders out of black play-dough. With the help from the kids, we poured in the flour, salt, oil and water and made the black play-dough into the bodies of our spiders. Next we put black pipe cleaners as the legs, and finally the googley stickers for their eyes. The spiders were the cutest spiders we had ever seen :)

Snails :)

Gardening is a fun activity that the kids love because it involves digging and also it's outside time :) Thank you to Teacher Richa for buying us some basil plants. The kids did a great job digging in the dirt and making a hole big enough to fit the plant. Then we added some more soil into the pot to make sure the basil plant was standing up strong! Our next cooking activity is making pizza and adding our basil from our very own garden :)

Rose Room!