Thursday, January 29, 2015

Bubble Fun!!!

January was a very busy month for the Rose Room! A big chunk of the month was focused on bubbles. The kids have been showing a lot of interest in blowing bubbles and asking teachers to blow bubbles so they can run and pop them in the air. The kids loved singing our bubble song and had a blast making our own homemade bubbles! We tried different colors and scents. We also had so much fun wrapping our feet in bubble wrap, stepping in paint, and walking around on white paper to see the cool colors and shapes the bubble wrap made!

The Rose Room kids love running around outside and kicking balls! We brought in a kid-sized basketball hoop and let the kids shoot baskets and practice dribbling the balls. It was so fun to watch the kids get so excited when they made a basket, or just got their ball close to the hoop :)

The kids absolutely love cooking activities, so we try to incorporate them into our schedule as much as possible. The kids are excellent helpers and can mix in ingredients quite expertly. We made a veggie pizza this time and the kids couldn't wait until it was all done baking so they could eat it all up!

Making our own homemade bubbles:

Blowing bubbles:

Bubble wrap:


Making our pizza:

The Rose Room

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Snow angels and crazy dress day!

Last month, the Rose Room had some fun snow days! The children got to make snow angels on the ground. They had so much fun throwing artificial snow up in the air (the best we could do in the Bay Area!), and feeling the texture of the snow.

The kids also really enjoyed doing cooking activities. We made banana bread and the kids had a blast helping the teachers stir and mix in all the ingredients.

We also got to decorate ornaments last month which was very exciting. We were gluing beads onto our ornaments and hanging them up in our classroom for all our friends to see. We also had our very first "crazy dress day" which the kids really enjoyed. The kids got to come to school in mix-matched colors and silly outfits. It was a great way to end 2014! Happy New Year to all our friends and family!

Making "snow" angels:


Making ornaments:

Enjoying the cold weather!

Happy New Year!
Love, The Rose Room