One of Rose Room's favorite things to do is cooking projects. It gives the kids a chance to help teachers make some food and the best part about it is they get to eat it when it's all finished. We made English muffin pizzas this time. Kids got to spread tomato sauce around the English muffins and add some cheese on top! The kids were anxiously waiting while it cooked in the oven, and devoured it as soon as it came out. They loved it :)

We have been talking a lot about feelings/emotions lately. We are doing a lot of role playing at circle time with the kids about our different moods, which will help them be able to express themselves better with their friends. We did an art project based on our own faces. First we focused on our eyes by looking in a mirror and seeing what color our eyes are. Then we glued on our eyes, mouth, nose and hair. The end result was very cute! It was fun to see where each child placed their body parts :)

We had a Spirit week once again which was a lot of fun for all the kids! Coming to school in silly outfits is always fun and different for the kids! Everyone got into the spirit, which was so nice to see :)
Funny hats/glasses:

Jersey day:

Crazy hair day:

Mixed match day:

Super hero day:

Love, Rose Room