Shaving cream:

Washing our playhouse with shaving cream :)

Coloring on our easel:

Painting on our easel:

Water play :)

Kids and teachers got to come to school in their pajamas one day this month. It was a lot of fun to see the kids in their pajamas and the kids had fun looking at the different jammies their friends were wearing. We made pancakes that day with syrup. The kids loved it and asked for seconds and thirds :)

We have been welcoming our friends from Green room to Rose room! We are so excited to have our friends joining the Rose Room! We have been doing a lot of activities with all different colors this month. It's a nice way to ease the new friends into our room especially when they are still getting familiar with the new routine.
Sponge painting:

Ice melting with water colors:

Using straws to blow water colors on our paper:


Green day!! St. Patrick's Day was a fun filled day. The kids got to come to school in green clothes and we made some green jello. Many green art projects happened this week due to St. Patrick's D
ay! We played with green gak, and loved feeling the cool slippery texture. We also face painted and all our friends had green shamrocks on their cheeks. They all looked so adorable :)

Making jello :)


Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Rose Room