Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Snowflakes, Hot Chocolate and Pajama Day, Trees!

Since the weather has been changing and it's been very cold outside lately, we decided to make snowflakes! Thank you, preschool, for helping us prep our snowflakes by gluing together popsicle sticks as our first step! After we let the glue dry overnight, we got our paintbrushes and painted our snowflakes blue! What kind of snowflakes would they be without some sparkle? We also added some glitter, which is one of our favorite things in Rose Room :) The kids did a great job by really taking their time and painting on the popsicle stick!

Pajama Day is always a very fun day for all of the kids! Getting right out of bed and coming to school in your pajamas is so awesome! The weather couldn't have been better for our hot chocolate and pajamas! It was wet and rainy and we all enjoyed our hot chocolate very much! We even got to do some face painting, which the kids had a lot of fun with! Everyone looked really cute and we sang and danced to "Rudolph, the Red Nosed Reindeer."

Christmas is right around the corner so we did an art project with trees! The kids got to glue sequins and pom pom balls onto their trees! Glue is a big hit in our classroom. The kids have more fun just putting glue onto their trees than decorating them with anything else :) We have so much fun watching the kids get so creative with their projects and watching them so excited to take their art projects home or looking at them displayed in the classroom!

Thanks for sharing your beautiful children with us each day :)
Love, Rose Room

Monday, December 7, 2015

Thanksgiving Feast!

Rose Room celebrated Thanksgiving this year with our annual thankful feast! This year we celebrated a little bit different, having pizza and veggies instead of turkey. The kids LOVED the pizza so much, they even asked for seconds and thirds :) Thank you to all our wonderful parents for coming and helping out that day we really appreciated it! Some of our moms even brought dessert which was very yummy :)

Celebrated S's birthday at our thankful feast! Happy Birthday S we love you very much!

Getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving with our families we read the book "Thankful for Thanksgiving." We even asked the kids what they were thankful for and the answers were adorable:

SR: "C."
AM: "Babies."
AK: "Water."
AR: "Dancing."
MM: "Cars."
IV: "My birthday."
A: "Sandbox."
CK: "Mommy."

If you haven't seen our thankful tree make sure you look at it in our classroom!

We hope all of our families had a very nice Thanksgiving holiday!
Love, Rose Room