Tuesday, March 21, 2017


Right now we are focusing on colors! Each morning at circle time we review our colors by going around and asking the children what color square they are sitting on. At the beginning of the week, we try to focus on just one color and do lots of projects based around that color. The kids have been really enjoying our color theme! We have been reading the story "The Rainbow Fish" and have some felt pieces that go along with it. The kids seem to really enjoy the story so we decided to paint the ocean and different animals you see in the ocean to go along with our color theme.

Kids painting the ocean blue:

We had a beautiful sensory bin with all different colors of rice! The kids had a blast exploring this sensory bin!

Teacher Rosemary kept up with our color theme by bringing in sand art! The kids each got their own contact paper and they got to use little salt shakers to shake different colors of sand art on to their paper. All of the artwork looked beautiful and the kids had so much fun trying different colors. The kids' artwork is up on the wall in the classroom, so please feel free to look at your child's creations!

Hope you enjoy,
Love, Rose Room

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Dr. Seuss

Guess who had a birthday today? Doctor Seuss! I thought it would be fun to celebrate by creating a sensory bin filled with colorful rice, felt alphabet letters, trees, Dr. Seuss style...lots of color, texture and imagination!

My friends had so much fun filling plastic eggs with treasures, opening and closing little boxes, and some were even naming the alphabet letter they found hiding under the rice.

Since learning colors is a theme in Rose Room, my friends also created their own sand painting! They had a choice of colorful sands, glitter, and sticky paper.

Using plastic shakers filled with the sand, my friends created their sand art with such enthusiasm and energy! Lots of Oooos and ahhhhhhs, and more please....

The colorful sands were piling up high on the sticky paper....but no problem; their little hands got to work...rubbing, spreading, mixing...I ended up pouring colorful sand directly onto the tables for more exploring and sensory fun!

All that beautiful, sparkly sand won't go to waste...I just created another sensory bin with my friends...filled with all that left over sparkly sand plus sifters, cups, and hollow tubes.

Have a great weekend!

Teacher Rosemary and Rose Room