Friday, October 21, 2016

Pumpkins! Yummy Pumpkin Bread!

Halloween is just around the corner and we have been hearing a lot lately about our families visiting the pumpkin patch. The kids come to school with great stories about the jumpy houses they jump around in, and all about the different kinds of pumpkins they see. We decided to paint a giant pumpkin that was drawn on paper. The kids had so much fun with the orange paint! Don't forget to stop and look at our finished product on the Rose Room window along with cute pictures of your kiddos :)

We made delicious pumpkin bread in Rose Room! During circle time, we read a story about pumpkins and it also talked about pumpkin pie! Our friends were very excited when they saw a picture of pumpkin pie, so we thought we should make some pumpkin bread :) Our friends did an excellent job taking turns pouring the mix into a bowl, pouring in the oil and water, and then stirring it all together. The kids definitely enjoyed some pumpkin bread after it was done baking in the oven.


Rose Room